
For seasonal events, food drives, and every day service to our clients, over 500 volunteers per year donate their time to Glen-Ed Pantry. We couldn’t do it without you!

Project Opportunities

Sign up to help with a project by clicking on the link below.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday shifts available to sort donated items for our Second Chance Thrift Store: We need volunteers to help us sort donations and ready them for sale. Shifts are roughly two hours, depending on your schedule. Monday shift has two openings, bring a friend! If interested, email: volunteer@glenedpantry.org

Weekly Opportunities

When we have an ongoing weekly position to fill, we email volunteers with matching interests and availability from our volunteer list. Fill out the form below to be added to that list.

If you just want to help with occasional projects or need service hours, see the list of Project Opportunities above; you do not need to complete this form.