Interested in donating school supplies?
If you would like to donate school supplies and have them sent directly to the pantry, please see our updated lists below:
Our most needed school supply items:
Plastic folder, assorted colors, with prongs
Plastic folders, assorted colors, 3-hole punched
Index cards
Sharpie, Ultra Fine and Fat
Dry erase markers
Wide rule notebooks, college rule notebooks, loose leaf paper
7” or larger scissors
We are also collecting new socks and underwear for boys and girls.
Drop-off sites
You can also drop off school supply donations at these area locations:
Edwardsville Public Library - 112 S. Kansas St, Edwardsville
Glen Carbon Public Library - 198 S. Main St, Glen Carbon
YMCA Meyer Center - 7438 Goshen Rd, Edwardsville
YMCA Niebur Center - 1200 Esic Dr, Edwardsville
Dieterich Bank - 2159 S State Rte 157, Edwardsville
Annie’s Frozen Custard - 11 Illini Dr, Glen Carbon
Coldwell Bank Brown - 2205 S State Rte 157, Edwardsville
Fitness 4 Life - 219 2nd Ave, Ste C, Edwardsville
Monetary donations are also needed.