Forty Fast Facts about Glen-Ed Pantry’s First Forty Years

Glen-Ed Pantry Has Had Six Locations

1. The Well

2. St. Boniface Church former Convent

3. St. Andrews Episcopal Church Parish House

4. Former Edwardsville Township Building basement

5. Madison County Poor Farm Hospital Building

6. Current location at 125 5th Avenue, Edwardsville. Former Lighthouse Church

Women Have Led The Way To Form And Direct Glen-Ed Pantry

7. Sister Mary Carolyn and Sister Jeanette ran the predecessor of Glen-Ed Pantry at St. Boniface Church

8. Sister Mary Carolyn, Sister Jeanette, Dorothy Feldhaur and Peggy Harr were instrumental in founding Glen-Ed Pantry in 1981

9. Judy (Davis) Moody served as Executive Director until October 2019

10. Jane Ahasay and Amy Poos became co-directors in November 2019

Glen-Ed Pantry’s Statistics Demonstrate Community Need And Our Reliance On Dedicated Volunteers

11. Glen-Ed Pantry served an additional 20 households at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and averaged an increase of 15 households per month during 2020.

12. Sixty-three consistent volunteers logging more than 607 hours of volunteer time annually ensure that our families receive the services and support they need.

Glen-Ed Pantry Has Faced Many Challenges

13. The Flood of 1993

14. Demolition of Madison County Poor Farm facilities and a search for a permanent home (2004)

15. Hurricane Katrina victims re-settling in Illinois (2005)

16. N1H1 Flu (2009)

17. The Great Recession (2009-2011)

18. Covid 19 Restrictions (2020)

Glen-Ed Pantry Has Provided Services Based On The Needs Of The Families It Serves…Many Are Now Run By Others In The Community

19. Food to ease food insecurity (since 1981)

20. GED Classes (1988)

21. Tutoring at Madison County Jail (1990) and after school for Pantry families (1990-1995)

22. Christmas Baskets in partnership with Faith Alliance (since 1981)

23. Rent and Utility Assistance (since 1981)

24. Referrals to other services (since 1981)

25. Clothing and housewares shop for families (since 1996)

26. School Supplies (since 1989)

27. Easter Baskets (1999-2005)

28. Christmas Gift Shop for families (since 2001)

29. Distribution of surplus food donated by local grocery stores (since 2005)

30. Goshen Market Foundation Beet Box

31. Fresh produce from St. John’s Community Garden (since 2017)/ Fresh Wednesdays (since 2021)

32. On-line family food orders and drive-up delivery (2020)

33. Second Chance Saturdays (2021)

34. SNAP registration site (2021)

35. Shopping model (2021)

36. Pantry to You: Food delivery to families without means to shop in person (2021)

Community-Wide Support Has Allowed Glen-Ed Pantry To Give Hope To The Hungry For Forty Years.

Food, personal care and cleaning product drives that are held each year help keep Glen-Ed Pantry’s shelves stocked. Drives are organized by churches, schools, sports teams, community organizations, government agencies and businesses too numerous to list. Some annual drives are…

37. Shop-out Hunger/ St. Louis Area Food Bank

38. Stamp Out Hunger/ United States Postal Service

39. Scouting for Food/ Boy Scouts of America

40. April Showers/ Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois

Our Partners, Volunteers And Donors Make It Possible For Glen-Ed Pantry To Fulfill Its Mission. We Are So Grateful To Our Generous Community!